Who Is ‘Megan Luscombe’?

I’m Megan, the pic on the right (or above, if you’re viewing from a phone)…

A late 30’s, coffee-addict, book-loving, music-obsessed, over-sharing, career-focused, carb-loving, cocktail-drinking, home-body who resides on the picturesque Mornington Peninsula, with my wife (Gwen) and toddler.

I’m also a coach with over a decade of experience under my belt who’s pretty obsessed with her career (I’m certified as a coach and I studied psychology at university).

Let me guess, you want something a little more…juicy
(and a little less, business-y)

I get it.

I’m an only child who was raised by her Nan (who had 12 children of her own - tell me your Catholic without telling me you’re catholic) which meant growing up for me was like the Melbourne weather - sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes unpredictable and on that rare occasion - absolutely incredible.

My Pa was around, but he did none of the bringing me up (hello patriarchy).

I’ve packed and unpacked my life with therapists, coaches and psychologists since I was 18 and can wholeheartedly say that I’ve been through it.


  • Dated an (emotionally and physically) abusive narcissist

  • Witnessed loved ones pass

  • Was groomed by a music producer at 15

  • Abandoned religion

  • Broke up with friends

  • Had ‘friends’ break-up with me

  • Divorced (a man) by 25

  • Came out (queer)

  • Launched a solo-business without any experience/ idea (in my 20s)

  • Re-married (a woman!)

  • Endured the relentless process of IVF

  • Had a baby

And that’s only SOME of it. I’ll save the rest for a future book (hello, publishers?)

I share the above because I know I couldn’t do what I do or be who I am without those experiences.

It’s my hope that having had them (and sharing them openly with you), you find comfort (and safety) in sharing your stories when working with me.

Your coach,
